Sunday, April 21, 2013

In the field #2

Bonjour Mes Amies!!! Well Belgium is beautiful and it grows more and more on me each day! And even better than that the people are so amazing here! They are all very kind and accommadating! We speak french almost all the time! We live in the french area so even if people can speak english they don't like to. So I am always learning more each day. And the people love to help me and they think it is very cool that I am trying to learn. So we got to meet the ward finally yesterday! It was awesome! It is half english and half french. So what they do is they have translators and you put these head phones on and you can listen to it in whatever language you are more comfortable with. Even though there is quite a large language barrier these people are still very close with each other. Its just another example that it doesn't matter where you are or what language you speak, we are all brothers and sisters in this church. And also! Noah Hartsock and his wife are in my ward! If you don't know them they are way legit. He played basketball for BYU and she played volleyball. Both of them are super good and he actually plays basketball out here in Belgium. So that was fun. They are really nice too. We had an investigator come with us to church yesterday too! Her name is Genevieve. She has been taught all the lessons basically and the elders were about to drop her but we decided to visit her and she really loved what we were saying to her. This was her first time actually coming to church. We are praying that she understands the importance of this gospel and is baptized. She is so great! We teach a lot of lessons but most this past week were to less actives. They loved visiting with us and alot came to church yesterday! We are talking to people all the time and searching for new investigators everyday. Kind of a cool story! So Soeur Thibault and I were on the metro and there were two muslims sitting across from us. (we cant teach muslims but literally there are soooooo many muslims out here so its kind of hard. and its hard too because they are always the nicest people we talk to!) but anyways so we talked to them and then they got off. Both soeur thibault and I prayed that the next person that got on would be interested (in our hearts). Sometimes its hard to muster up the courage to speak to random people but I was determined to do it! So a lady walks on with her two kids and sits right in front of us and then starts staring at my name tag and she was trying to read it. So i took that opportunity to ask her if she had ever met the missionaries for our church before (in french of course). She said now and so we started to tell her a little bit about the church and why we were in belgium, etc... SHE then asked us how to set up an appointment! we were stunned....haha that doesn't we got all her info and she asked where church was and everything so we told her all that too! Its just really so awesome how incredible the power of prayer is. She ended up being out of our boundaries so we gave her to the other sisters but miracles really are happening out here in Belgium! People have been prepared to receive the gospel right now! We just need to find them! and we will! :) I know that if we strengthen our testimonies and our wards that we will be able to find more people who are ready to receive the gospel. Someone in conference said this...but he said just as there are so many more missionaries being prepared that many more "investigators" are being prepared as well. Its true! This gospel is true and the Lord is truly gathering His sheep. I love the scriptures in John when the savior finds his apostles fishing again after Christs ressurrection. He asked," Do you love me?" "FEED MY SHEEP." Lets do just that. Together. It doesn't matter where in the world you are, your contribution matters! I testify that that is true! I know my Savior lives! I love you all!
Love Soeur Finneran

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