Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mission Update #2

BONJOUR!!! :) This past week has absolutely flown by! I can hardly believe it is P-day again! Last week on Tuesday night Elder Ballard came and spoke to us. It was incredible! He talked alot about missionary work and being worthy for the call and also that we already know enough.  He was saying that we don't need to stress ourselves out because we aren't perfect. It was just what I needed to hear. :) 
     On Wednesday half of our district went to San Francisco to get their visas for France while the other half stayed.  It was really hard to not have them there.  They really have become family and we are so much more productive when we are all together working hard.  But on Thursday I got to go to San Francisco with the other half of my district. It was awesome! but we were all super tired! We had to wake up at 4 am and leave at 5 am. Our flight left at 7:30 ish.  The plane ride there I sat next to one of the missionaries but that was good because I got a nap in.  When we arrived in San Francisco we went straight to the consulate.  We were seriously only there for about 30 minutes and then we left. It was super easy! So we had the rest of the time to do what we pleased! We had four hours about.  We first went over to Pier 39 and went and ate at a pizza place.  It was delicous and much needed! None of us had eaten before then. and it was about 1 pm.  Then we walked around and placed a few pass along cards there.  Then we went to the Golden gate bridge but it was too foggy to see haha. but we placed more pass along cards there and talked to a few people about the gospel.  The asians are hard to get through too. They don't really believe in God or Jesus Christ.  I am glad that most of France is Christian.  Then we went to Ghiradelli square and had ice cream! Our waiter loved us so I gave him a pass along card and he said he would look into it! I hope he does! He did try to hug me though as we left and I kind of just awkwardly scooted away very fast.  haha the rest of the missionaries got a kick out of that one.  On the way home I sat next to a man who was not LDS! I was SOOO EXCITED!!!! Momentary pause... I have never been more grateful in my life than I am right now to be able to pray, testify and preach/teach in the English language.  I am really glad I had this opportunity to go to San Francisco even though it was just for a day.  Now I didn't commit him to baptism but we had a wonderful talk! At first it was a little awkward because I was alone and he was texting and emailing like crazy when we first sat down on the plane.  But then they made everyone turn everything off and we started talking! He knows a little bit about the church because he recently moved to Utah. I talked to him for a straight hour about his family, his wife,  his son and it was great! There was some time that we didn't talk so I pulled out the first vision in French and was memorizing that and he leaned over and asked me what that said so I was able to share the first vision with him! I seriously was like exploding with the spirit! I don't know if he could tell but I feel like the conversation went just as it was suppose to! we then started talking to him about what his religion believes and I picked out the good things that their church does and was able to share a few things about the LDS church and how we have similarities.  At the end of the plane ride he asked me to pray for his son and i was all YES! YES I WILL!! :) haha it was such an incredible experience! I hope that all made sense! I have to type way fast because we don't have a ton of time!
   This week we found out that our "investigator" for the past two weeks is actually our second teacher! haha that was fun! And on sunday we had the temple president of the provo temple (President Daines) come and speak to us!! seriously it was INCREDIBLE!!! When he was done speaking no one said anything, we all just looked at each other in shock because of how amazing it was! He spoke on temple covenants. I will share a few things.  He said that when we receive our own endowment "we have more power now than ever before to HEAR the word of the Lord." I loved that! He also said this, "We are entitled to revelation and blessing because of the covenants we have made in the temple." This reminds me of the mormon message from president uchtdorf about not living beneath your privileges. Go watch that its great! Also watch the mormon message of mountains to climb! I bawl every time! its so good! very upliting! Something else that I feel very impressed to include for some reason is this... he said, "You cannot become involved with pornography and be keeping your temple covenants and the Law of Chastity."  He then went on to tell us a story.  He said that he had some neighbors once who were investigating the church and they finally committed to baptism. they scheduled the baptism for 8 days later.  4 days before the baptism the missionaires who they had come over to help them teach the lessons were found in the grocery store looking at a playboy magazine. The investigators neighbors told them what they saw in the store and as a result of that they decided not to get baptized.  Our actions do not only affect us but everyone around us.  He also said this, " Clear up this problem right now! Do not wait! You can change!"  The last thing I will mention that he said is this," The WOUNDED Christ is the captain of our sould. The hard and painful times will pass!"
      I know that throught the redeeming and enabling power of Jesus Christ that we can be healed and changed! Jesus Christ lives and He will return!!! I know that this gospel is true with all my heart! I am beyond excited to share this message with all others! Jesus Christ is the head of this church. This is His work. I love you all so much! I miss you! I pray for you! Please pray for the missionaries and for those who are needing this gospel in their lives.
Love, Soeur Finneran

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