Thursday, June 6, 2013

In the field #5

Bonjour mes amis! Well the sun is finally shining here in Belgium! I heard from Kendal last week and she said that it was so hot in germany and i was really confused because I looked out the window and it was pouring rain here and really cold! I heard yesterday from the Finnish family in the ward that Finland is actually 20 degrees warmer than in Belgium...Its an odd place here...but I love it! :) But today I actually didn't have to wear a coat! And for that I am super grateful! :)
First things first! The work...This week has been difficult with lessons because people sometimes cancel on us or just not show up to lessons. C'est la vie. BUT we met this one woman named Emma! She is from Camaroon and a little bit older. We walking down the street and decided to talk to her. She said it was ok for us to come over the following day! So we met with just barely on Saturday and we talked about the Restoration. She thought it was very interesting and she was really open to the idea of God's true church being restored in its fullness. We left her with a pamphlet to read. So Soeur Thibault accidentally left her scarf at her appartment so the following day (yesterday) we went over to get her scarf and we thought, why not teach a little something something. So she was super happy to see us and she told she studied the entire pamphlet. She had questions for us about Adam and a few other questions that we were able to help her understand. She was happy with our answers and said she will pray more about it. We gave her a book of mormon and she said she would start reading it for the lesson that we have with her today! She also said that she will for sure come with us to church next week! :) She told us that normally she just takes the metro home but she felt instead on friday to take the trams and buses. She then told us that that is why she was able to meet us and that we were all suppose to meet each other! :) :) :) And then we asked her to give a closing prayer and in her prayer she mentioned how she knows that we knew our Father in Heaven before we were here on this earth. Guess what we are teaching tonight...? Thats right plan of salvation! HECK YES! :) We will also commit her to being baptised! We are more than thrilled to have the incredible opportunity to teach her! She is the definition of a golden investigator!
Funny story... So we were walking around finding people to talk to and these three guys come up to us and ask us for directions. They were defs italian. Its funny how you can here accents no matter what language it is. They actually all spoke english better so we talked to them for a bit. One lives in New York and actually saw the play the Book of Mormon so we talked to him a bit about that. We also gave them a card and tell them to read the actual book because its even better than the play. haha but they actually did invite to go clubbing with them that night too...three times. We also told them more than three times that we are missionaries and we are here to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. haha but overall they were pretty nice! Sometimes i wonder why missionaries get hit on so much...We wear long skirts and modes blouses, etc...and we get hit on all the time. Everyone loves them a good missionary I guess! :) haha
Well I love you all and good luck with everything you got going on! OH and seriously...go teach with the missionaries! Hardest thing in my life is trying to convince members to come teach with us! Don't be one of the difficult members! I promise that you make such a huge contribution to missionary work! My scripture for the week. "Be still, and know that I am God." Take a moment to be still this week. You won't regret it! Bisous!
Love Soeur Finneran

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